Thursday, October 26, 2023

President's Report by Janet Crozier

Thank God September is over! There is still time to get many fall vegetables in the ground before a freeze and many of us have taken advantage of it. In my estimation, the fall garden is the best. It produces a lot of the winter comfort foods that we enjoy on cold winter days. Many of our summer vegetables are reviving with the rain and cooler nights as well.

We decided to do our fundraiser in September, hoping to take advantage of an early fundraising event instead of trying to raise funds after the bigger, more extravagant fundraisers made their splash. We wanted to have a family-friendly event thinking that the weather would be a little cooler toward the end of September. Even though we put a lot of planning into the event, the extreme heat persisted and prevented so many families from attending.

However, we came out ahead, and with our previous fundraisers and grants, we felt we could begin our ADA gardening project. I talked to T.J. Wright of Blue Springs Pools and got us on his calendar for October.

We are so appreciative of all the support financially, with silent auction donations, and volunteer help that contributed to our success. Words just don’t convey how much you mean to the success we have had at the gardens.

The long-awaited response to the LCRA grant written in July was received on October 1, and this should enable us to come close to completing the project entirely!

As we are coming close to the end of the year, we have a few board members who are coming to the end of their 3-year term and wish to step down or take on another role within the board. So, I am asking for referrals for us to consider. 

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