Thursday, September 14, 2023

President's Report by Janet Crozier

Welcome to fall you ‘all! I guess technically we need to wait to call it that until the Equinox on or around the 21st. Up until this week, it has felt like anything but fall with non-ending 100-degree days and no rain. As I am writing this it is raining and it feels like fall! I felt guilty trying to urge potential gardeners to get started planting with such an unyielding climate.

I want to remind everyone, that fall is the best time to plant the vegetables that will be the most beneficial to our health through this time of the year. Our planting time is limited as history has proclaimed that the end of November is the first freeze date. With the climate change we are experiencing, we use it as a guide. Gardening has no absolutes. It keeps us mindful and attentive.

It's now time to rent your garden bed and get started on your way to a healthy lifestyle as gardening provides not only a food source, but gentle exercise and fresh air. Many of you know that we provide gardening instructions and through our experience have plenty of advice to pass on. If you are interested, please email or text me at 512-434-9293 to set up a time to check us out.

The big news is our upcoming Fall fundraising event, “It’s Fall Y’all!” to be held on September 30 from 4-7 p.m. It will be held at the Lampasas Community Gardens and the nearby pavilion. We have planned an event for the whole family. We have numerous activities for the kids of all ages and a silent auction and line dancing for the adults. (Kids will be welcome to join in too). Oh, I forgot to mention food. Dusty Dreher will be providing fajitas and the gardeners will be providing salads and desserts. (We need to lure you in somehow, ha). Tickets are available by clicking the QR code on the Facebook flyer and they will be available at the door if that is too techy. We all hope to see you there.

I want to give a shout-out to our fundraising committee: Karen Allen and Lindsey Jackson, our co-chairs, Kenya Martin, Layne Friedrichs, Bob Stockman, Ladonna Bishop, Karen DeZarn, Mabel Truman and our behind-the-scenes treasurer, Renee Alter. Of special note. Layne and Bob have worked almost daily to ready the gardens for this event by ridding the beds of dead vegetation and weeds.

Our ADA Compliant project is starting to take shape. We should be having the area excavated before the end of the month. We are waiting for the City’s contribution of the sidewalk to our fence line.

Have a good month!