Saturday, June 17, 2023

LCG President's Report by Janet Crozier


The garden beds are producing a bounty of squash, cucumbers, eggplant, peas, beans, and carrots. The tomatoes are producing flowers and fruit, but not many of us have ripened tomatoes yet. Our lettuce and spinach have bolted under the hot temperatures.

Squash bugs are making their appearance, and I have done my best to show the new gardeners where they are most likely to devastate the plant and where they lay their eggs underneath the leaves. We have used DE on them and for the most part with diligence, we are controlling them enough to be able to get a good amount of zucchini and yellow squash. I love to hear about the recipes the gardeners are creating with their produce.

I do believe the pests are not as bad as in other years. We have more pollinators and lizards running around, and I believe that they are helping to control the bug population.

Many of us have started to cover our beds with shade cloth to mitigate the damage from the very hot weather and wind.

We received the quote from T.J. Wright and Blue Springs Pool and Construction for $18,300.00. Barring any unforeseen extreme increases in materials, we should have the funds to start the ADA project. Our next fundraiser and other donations, material and financial, should help us complete the project.

I completed the Square Foot Gardening Foundation Grant on June 8. Lindsey Jackson wrote a grant for $1,000.00 through the company she works for.

LCG has been invited to be featured in the Senior’s Magazine published and distributed by the Dispatch Record to the Chamber of Commerce, banks, hospitals, doctors’ offices, and other businesses. We feel that this is a good way to show our commitment to the community and let newcomers know where we are and what we do. It will be coming out on June 23.

Molly Leslie is providing a proof of the banner celebrating the contributions made and donations received for the ADA Compliant Garden Bed project. Once that is confirmed and printed it will be placed on the fence at the Community Garden.